Wednesday, September 21, 2011

All quiet on the western front assignment

Thesis Statement / Essay Topic #3: The Function of Detailed Graphic Gore and Violence in “All Quiet on the Western Front” by Erich Maria Remarque
The novel “All Quiet on the Western Front” by Erich Maria Remarque, described realistic soldier life during World War I. The author focused on the realistic life of soldier from the time they joined the army to the time they fought in the front line. The novel described a group of young men inspired by their teacher to join the war and fight for their nation. Expectations and experience of these young men did not compare because they are faced with horror, fear, and death in the battle filed. Descriptions in the novel contain violence and painful details of how soldiers experience in the front line, and what they have experienced in the trenches and the battlefield. These violence details show the audience how difficult soldiers, especially young men, have to deal with physical and emotional issues that they never have experience in peaceful times. The author also presents these young men as energetic, strong, and patriotic. The novel contains great details of violent actions in the war. For example, the author described how these young men have to face with death at any time from artillery, air bombs, and gas poison. The Novel creates a perfect image for the audience to see the pain both physically and mentally. The author adds realism to make the audience realize how horrible the war is and what humans have lost from the war.
            The novel gave me a great image how soldiers have to deal with difficulty in the front line. The novel also contains good physical and mental feelings for me after I read the novel. The novel is not just talked only about the war, but it also described daily life of soldiers in the war. Fear, love, and horror could be finding in this novel that makes this novel a perfect war novel to read. “All quiet in the western front” teaches me how horrible the war is when human beings use it as a tool to achieve their benefit.

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