Wednesday, August 31, 2011

World Heritage Sites assignment

I choose Berlin Modernism Housing Estates and Palaces and Parks of Potsdam and Berlin for my two world heritage sites.

 Berlin Modernism Housing Estates

     This world heritage sites innovated from 1910 to 1933 by housing policies, mostly during the Weimar Republic. It shows the German progressive in term of cultural, political, social, and technical. Housing design by Germany during this period become sample model for modern housing design around the world in the 20th century to the present.

     I choose Berlin Modernism Estates because it shows how Germans innovated modern housing style that give an idea for urban development around the world. This housing design show genius ideas of German architects on housing styles for low income and middle classes to live with appropriate residence with proper environment such as garden in the center or around the house. It shows me how German people have good ideas to innovate several things that influence our life in the current time.

Palaces and Parks of Potsdam and Berlin

     This master piece built between 1730 and 1916. The palace and garden were built by German monarchs in that period for their own residence purpose. This masterpiece built on a single space which include architectural and landscaping. Federick the Great was a king of Prussian who built this unique palace and park that become The World Heritage site in 1945.

     I choose this world heritage site because it shows legacy of German kingdom in the past with a large and extraordinary master piece residence of German monarchs. The palace and garden also show genius of German artists, architects, and engineer to build giant palace with technologies they have in that period. I can see how the greatness of German Kingdom in the past.

     For two of these sites, i like Berlin Modernism Housing Estates more than Palaces and Parks of Potsdam and Berlin because German innovations of housing become a sample housing pattern for low income people around the world. It also shows me how German society has high progress in social development for their ordinary citizens in that time. This World Heritage site involves in the German history in terms of social policies. It amazes me how this style of building can influence housing style around the world from that period to current time.